The Use Level of 5 Basic Food Hydrocolloids in Dairy Products | Dairy Stabilizers

Food Hydrocolloids in Dairy Products



Abstract: How hot dairy products are, just look at the advertisements on TV. It can be said that the title holders and sponsors of many variety shows are dairy companies nowadays, such as "Running Brothers", "Ace to Ace", "I'm a Singer", "Where's Dad Going", "Full House" and so on.
Food hydrocolloids play an important role in the production of dairy products. Just adding a little bit of edible gum can optimize the dairy products in terms of appearance and also make them smooth and delicate in taste.

Food Hydrocolloids in Dairy: Why & What?

Food hydrocolloids are widely used in the dairy industry to

  • emulsify and stabilize dairy products,
  • enhance the consistency and viscosity of yogurt,
  • prevent whey precipitation and
  • improve the structure of yogurt.

The main edible gums (food hydrocolloids) commonly used in dairy products are Carrageenan, Agar-Agar, Pectin, Gelatin, Sodium Alginate, etc.

Together with Gino Gums, we will learn more about these edible gums (hydrocolloids) and their usage in dairy products.

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No.1 The Addition of Agar-Agar in Dairy Products

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Agar is a colorless, shapeless solid that dissolves in hot water and is one of the most widely used seaweed-based gums in the world.

In the processing of sour milk (more specifically called fermented milk or cultured milk), agar can be used as a thickening agent and water retention agent and has an important role in the gel stability of some sour-milk products.

No.2 The Addition of Carrageenan in Dairy Products

Carrageenan 2020 Supplier Manufacturer in China(2) - Gino Gums Stabilizers

Carrageenan is also one seaweed-based hydrocolloid extracted from the red algae (also called Irish moss), which can be divided into K-type (Kappa), I-type (Iota) and L-type (Lambda).

The role of carrageenan in dairy products is that it can increase the viscosity of yogurt by interacting with milk components to form a mesh that binds water, and the reference addition amount is 0.1%-0.3%.

No.3 The Addition of Pectin in Dairy Products

low methoxyl pectin suppliers Manufacturers in China(4) - Gino Gums Stabilizers

Pectin is extracted from the peel or pomelo of citrus, apple, lemon and other fruits.

It is white or yellowish or light gray, light brown rough to fine powder, odorless, sticky and smooth, belongs to the category of vegetable plant-based gum.

No.4 The Amount of Gelatin Added in Dairy Products

Food Stabilizers (Blends & Systems) groups: Plant-based gums, Animal-origin gums, seaweed-based gums, microbial gums, Synthetic gums

Gelatin is mainly degraded from collagen in connective tissues such as animal skin, bone, muscle membrane and muscle charm.

It is white or light yellow, translucent and slightly shiny flakes or powder, so it is also called animal gelatin.

No.5 The Addition of Sodium Alginate in Dairy Products

Sodium Alginate 2020 Supplier Manufacturer in China(1) - Gino Gums Stabilizers

Sodium alginate is a by-product of iodine and mannitol extraction from brown algae such as kelp or sargassum. It is white to light yellow fibrous powder or crude powder, almost odorless and tasteless, and dissolved in water to form a viscous colloidal solution. In the production of dairy products, the dosage of sodium alginate is about 0.1%-0.35%.

When using this product, it can be mixed with sugar first and then dissolved in water. The remaining Ca in cow's milk acts to generate calcium alginate, and a homogeneous jelly is formed, which is a feature not found in other stabilizers.


Edible gums (Hydrocolloids)Reference Addition Amount
Sodium Alginate0.1%-0.35%

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